
If you and your lover had to choose, would you prefer an evening together in an upscale, noisy restaurant or sitting on the beach with appetizers and a bottle of wine on a clear, summer evening? Oh I would hope you answered “the beach.”

Sometimes couples get into a routine where taking advantage of the weekends becomes more of a chore than a time to connect. Spending money on dining out and perhaps a babysitter, waiting to be seated on a busy Friday night and “what do we do next” questions that pop up after you’ve eaten your meal can really deflate the definition of romance.

Now picture this scenario…a frugal, romantic date on the beach. No, you needn’t live on the coast to indulge in this romantic getaway that costs nothing more than a little gasoline and perhaps a bottle of wine. Most homes are within reasonable driving distance from some body of water, be it a lake, ocean, river or creek. The ambiance of listening to the running water is absolutely magical, so just find some spot to have your romantic night that involves the soothing sounds of water.


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Because money has never equated to depth of love in a relationship, there is no need for spending money needlessly on a restaurant before heading to the water. Make your entire date take place on the beach, from start to finish.

One couple that continually engages in frugal beach dates, Tony and Carol from Tampa, Florida, wrote to me and were the main reason I was prompted to write this post. Below Carol describes their romantic ritual in detail.

“Whenever the weather permits, every Saturday night is “beach night” for my husband and me. We wanted to reconnect and spend more quality time together, but our budget wouldn’t allow spending large amounts of money each weekend on movies, restaurants and entertainment. Truth be told, those events never gave us much opportunity to talk anyway. We were truly just going through the motions.

One day, I was at a thrift store and I saw this beautiful, vintage picnic basket and it gave me the idea of having a romantic picnic with my husband. However, during the business of afternoons and errands, we kept canceling our plans. That was when it hit me – let’s picnic at night.

My husband was game for giving it a try, so our first frugal beach date was a go. I filled a duffel bag with a large quilt and brought along candles – keeping it simple. My beautiful picnic basket contained carefully wrapped “real” china, sterling silver utensils, two wine glasses and miscellaneous items such as wet wipes, napkins and spices. For our dining pleasure, I filled a cooler with a variety of meats and cheeses, Italian bread, wine and fruit with whipped cream for dessert.

Needless to say, it was a beautiful evening and thus began our romantic beach night for years to come. To keep it simple, we keep our “beach kit” packed and ready to go, only needing to bring the food. Sometimes we grab Chinese takeout when unable to plan in advance, but what we eat is not the focus of our evening.

What we’ve learned is that we have so much love for each other, so much to talk about. Though on a typical weekday we might go to bed at 10 p.m. our beach nights last for hours and hours, both of us never wanting them to end. We love lying next to each other, listening to the water and just talking. For certain, our special night has made us closer than we ever thought possible.”

So in short if you’ve not had a romantic beach date recently then now’s your time to change that. Enjoy!